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10种最常用的BPA价格行为形态之 —— High 2 bull flags 和 Low 2 bear flags

许多交易者发现 bar counting 不好理解,因为他们希望它是完美和清晰的。 他们不明白的是,市场的目的是制造混乱。 它希望在多头和空头都认为合理的价格上花费尽可能多的时间。 这促进了交易,这就是创建市场的原因。

Many traders find bar counting confusing because they want it to be perfect and clear. What they don’t understand is that the purpose of the market is to create confusion. It wants to spend as much time as possible at prices where both the bulls and bears feel that the price is fair. This facilitates trading, which is the reason why the market was created.

这些旗型的原理是,市场通常会多次尝试扭转趋势,从而形成两条腿。 如果这两次反转尝试都失败了,市场通常会尝试朝另一个方向发展。 由于另一个方向是正在恢复中的趋势,反趋势交易者知道他们有麻烦了。一旦尝试失败第二次,反趋势交易者就会迅速退出,而且也不会急于再试一次。 结果是高概率的形态延续交易机会,而且通常摆动得很快。 交易者经常对这些设置剥头皮,但当趋势仍然强劲时,他们可以部分或全部平仓。

The basic idea of these flags is that the market often makes a couple attempts to reverse a trend, which creates two legs. If those two reversals attempts fail, the market usually tries to go in the other direction. Since the other direction is a trend and it is now resuming, the countertrend traders know they are in trouble and will be quick to exit once that second attempt fails. They will also not be eager to try again. The result is a high probability continuation pattern trade that usually moves quickly. Traders often scalp these setups, but when the trend is still strong, they can swing part or all of their position.

这些形态往往是嵌套在更大的框架里,也就是说在两个较大的腿中各形成一个较小版本的腿。 交易者使用较小版本还是较大版本都没有关系,只要他们使用合理的波段止损位即可。

The patterns are often nested, with a smaller version forming in each of the two bigger legs. It does not matter whether a trader enters on the smaller version or the larger, as long as they use the correct swing stop.

在 trading range 的中的 bear trend 或者 bear leg,one legged pullback是 Low 1 sell setup。 一旦它被触发,而这个反转尝试却又失败,它会形成一个 Low 2 bear flag。 Low 3 是 triangle 或 wedge。 Double top 是 Low 2 bear flag。 有时候该 leg 会有很多个 bars, 并细分为更小的 形态。

In a bear trend or a bear leg in a trading range, a one legged pullback (small rally) is a Low 1 sell setup. If it triggers, but there is then one more leg in the pullback, it creates a Low 2 bear flag. A Low 3 is either a triangle or a wedge (a triangle that is diagonal). A double top is a Low 2 bear flag. Sometime the legs have many bars and subdivide into smaller patterns.

在 trading range pullback 中的 bull trend 或者 bull leg,一个 bar 的第一次高点位于或高于前一根 bar 的高点,该回调是 Low 1 bull flag。 如果触发,但是还有一个向下的 leg,这会形成一个 High 2 bull flag。 Triangle 是横盘 High 3 bull flag,而 wedge bull flag 是向下倾斜的 triangle。 每个小的 double bottom 都是 High 2 bull flag。

In a bull trend or a bull leg in a trading range pullback, the 1st time the high of a bar is at or above the high of the prior bar, the pullback is a High 1 bull flag. If it triggers, but there is then one more leg down, that creates a High 2 bull flag. A triangle is a sideways High 3 bull flag, and a wedge bull flag is a triangle that is sloped down. Every small double bottom is a High 2 bull flag.

译自:Brooks Trading Course

4 thoughts on “10种最常用的BPA价格行为形态之 —— High 2 bull flags 和 Low 2 bear flags”

  1. 交易时常往多头与空头双方面思考,会相对容易理解 High 2 bull flags 和 Low 2 bear flags 的原理。

  2. Al Brooks L1 and L2 + H1 & H2 is a simple concept but it is presented in such a difficult way to comprehend. 对不起, 我想写中午。 又写成英文了。 我需要帮忙, 想更好的学会和理解这个概念。 最好是拿多张图做为例子, 谢谢

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